Tofu dishes recipes
Tofu is made by coagulating soy milk and pressing the resulting curds. Tofu is low in calories, contains a relatively large amount of iron and contains little fat.
2011 m. spalio 31 d., pirmadienis
2011 m. spalio 30 d., sekmadienis
Easy lunch recipes
Best lunch dishes and cooking instructions you always can find at From soups to salads and sandwiches, we've assembled the cream of the crop for this lunch-inspired collection.
2011 m. spalio 29 d., šeštadienis
American dishes recipes
The cooking and cuisine of the United States defies easy categorization. While well known for the mass production and global uniformity of fast food outlets, America is actually home to wide-ranging regional cuisine and the influence of immigrant groups past and present.
2011 m. spalio 28 d., penktadienis
Parsley in cooking
Parsley is a biennial herb, and can be used in most foods except sweets. It is used widely in different cuisines around the world, including French and Middle Eastern dishes.
2011 m. spalio 27 d., ketvirtadienis
Duck dishes recipes
Many of us love the taste of duck but are scared off by its reputation that it's tricky to cook. Plus there's all that fat. No wonder we instead satisfy our duck appetites with an occasional pan seared breast or a confit.
2011 m. spalio 26 d., trečiadienis
Apple Strudel (Apfelstrudel) is a simple German dessert recipe.
If you love making pastries, this recipe is for you. Not something you are going to whip up right before the guests arrive, strudel takes time and loving care. This is one of strudel recipes that celebrates the heritage of German settlers.
2011 m. spalio 25 d., antradienis
Dill in cooking
Fresh and dried dill leaves (sometimes called "dill weed" to distinguish it from dill seed) are used as herbs. Like caraway, its fernlike leaves are aromatic, and are used to flavor many foods, such as gravlax, borscht and other soups, and pickles. Dill is said to be best when used fresh, as it loses its flavor rapidly if dried; however, freeze-dried dill leaves preserve their flavor relatively well for a few months. In the Middle Ages, dill was thought to protect against witchcraft. Dill seed is used as a spice, with a flavor similar to caraway.
2011 m. spalio 24 d., pirmadienis
Caribbean dishes recipes
Caribbean cuisine is a fusion of traditions brought from the many homelands of the Caribbean population. A typical Caribbean dish is "jerk" seasoned meats (usually chicken) having a unique, spicy flavor.
2011 m. spalio 23 d., sekmadienis
2011 m. spalio 22 d., šeštadienis
Knoephla recipe. What does it mean - knoephla?
Knoephla, also spelled knephla, is a type of dumpling, commonly used in soups. The word is related to the modern German Knöpfle, meaning little knob/button. Traditional knoephla soup is a thick chicken and potato soup, almost to the point of being a stew. It is particularly common in the U.S. states of Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota, where there was significant German-Russian settlement.
2011 m. spalio 21 d., penktadienis
Chinese dishes recipes
Recipe4all offers a collection of more than 100 low-fat, low-calorie Chinese recipes, from first courses to desserts, which proves that flavor doesn't have to be sacrificed when cooking light Chinese food.
2011 m. spalio 20 d., ketvirtadienis
The cuisines of European countries
The cuisines of European countries are diverse by themselves, although there are common characteristics that distinguishes European cooking from cuisines of Asia, Africa and others. For example, compared with traditional cooking of Asian countries, in Europe meat is more prominent and substantial in serving-size. Besides, Europeans traditionally have a far more in-depth knowledge concerning specific methods of preparing and serving different cuts of meat than Asian cooks.
2011 m. spalio 19 d., trečiadienis
Crab dishes recipes
Delicious crab and seafood recipes from Recipe4all including crab soups, crab appetizers, a variety of recipes using crabmeat, both fresh and canned, and seafood main courses.
2011 m. spalio 18 d., antradienis
Albondigas recipes
Albondigas is the name of meatballs in Spain and Latin America. In Spain albondigas usually are served as an appetizer or main course, often in a tomato sauce. In Mexico albondigas are traditionally served in a soup with a light broth and vegetables.
2011 m. spalio 17 d., pirmadienis
Mexican dishes recipes
Mexican cuisine is popular the world over for its intense flavor and colorful presentation. Traditional Mexican recipes such as tacos, quesadillas, enchiladas and barbacoa are consistently explored for options by some of the world's foremost gourmet chefs. A celebration of spices and unique culinary trends, Mexican food is now dominating world cuisines.
2011 m. spalio 16 d., sekmadienis
Steak recipes
Steak is a slice of meat cut perpendicular to the muscle fibres, what improves the tenderness of the meat. Steaks are typically served grilled, though they can be pan-fried. The most tender cuts from the loin and rib are cooked quickly, using dry heat, and served whole. Less tender cuts from the chuck or round are cooked with moist heat or are mechanically tenderized.
2011 m. spalio 15 d., šeštadienis
Cheese dishes recipes
At Recipes4all I always can find cheese dish recipes, including breakfast casseroles, cheese and pasta bakes, lasagna recipes, with or without meat, and others.
2011 m. spalio 14 d., penktadienis
Dips and spreads, including cheese dip recipes and more.
Dip Recipes
Dip is a very widespread food. Forms of dip are eaten all over the world. Dips are used to add flavor to a food, such as pita bread, dumplings, crackers, cut-up raw vegetables, seafood, cubed pieces of meat and cheese, potato chips, tortilla chips, or falafel. Unlike other sauces, instead of applying the sauce to the food, the food is typically put into, or dipped, into the dipping sauce (hence the name). Dips are commonly used for finger foods and other easily held foods.
Dip is a very widespread food. Forms of dip are eaten all over the world. Dips are used to add flavor to a food, such as pita bread, dumplings, crackers, cut-up raw vegetables, seafood, cubed pieces of meat and cheese, potato chips, tortilla chips, or falafel. Unlike other sauces, instead of applying the sauce to the food, the food is typically put into, or dipped, into the dipping sauce (hence the name). Dips are commonly used for finger foods and other easily held foods.
2011 m. spalio 13 d., ketvirtadienis
Veal dishes recipes
Veal has been an important ingredient in Italian and French cuisine since ancient times. The veal is often in the form of cutlets, such as the Italian cotoletta or the famous Austrian dish Wiener Schnitzel. Some classic French veal dishes include: fried escalopes, fried veal grenadines (small thick fillet steaks), stuffed paupiettes, roast joints and blanquettes. As veal is lower in fat than many meats, care must be taken in preparation to ensure that it does not become tough. Veal is often coated in preparation for frying or eaten with a sauce. Veal Parmigina is a common Italian-American dish consisting of breaded veal cutlets.
2011 m. spalio 12 d., trečiadienis
Starter recipes
Starter recipes are very important as they set the tone for the meal to come. Try our selection of hot and cold appetisers - a fresh and colourful complement to a veggie menu.
2011 m. spalio 11 d., antradienis
German dishes recipes
German dishes recipes
German cuisine varies greatly from region to region. Find hundreds of German food recipes such as authentic German desserts, German cakes, German meat and potato dishes, vegetable side dishes, German cookie recipes and other.
German cuisine varies greatly from region to region. Find hundreds of German food recipes such as authentic German desserts, German cakes, German meat and potato dishes, vegetable side dishes, German cookie recipes and other.
2011 m. spalio 10 d., pirmadienis
Baked Calamari recipe
Baked Calamari is an appetizer created of egg whites, cornflour, multi-grain breadcrumbs, calamari rings, some vegetable oil spray, some green salad to serve, egg yolk, white wine vinegar, caster sugar, greek-style yoghurt, finely chopped, capers rinsed and finely chopped, and green onion finely chopped.
2011 m. spalio 9 d., sekmadienis
Vodka is the basis of a number of popular drinks.
Vodka is a strong, clear, typically colorless liquor, usually distilled from fermented grain. It is commonly thought that the term is a diminutive of the Slavic word "voda" (woda) for "water," although there exists another opinion. Vodka is the basis of a number of popular drinks, including the Bloody Mary, the Bullshot, and the Vodka Martini (also known as a Vodkatini), a dry martini made with vodka instead of gin.
2011 m. spalio 8 d., šeštadienis
Swiss recipes
Swiss recipes and food, like Swiss life, has been influenced by the countries around Switzerland. The most famous recipes are fondue. Fondue is usually made with a mixture of Emmentaler and Gruyère, but alternatives are other Swiss cheeses such as Appenzeller or Vacherin.
2011 m. spalio 7 d., penktadienis
Hundreds of pork recipes.
Pork is the culinary name for meat from the domestic pig. It is the most widely eaten meat in the world. Find hundreds of pork recipes featuring casseroles, chops, steaks, spareribs, roasts, stir-fries, including ham and bacon recipes.
2011 m. spalio 6 d., ketvirtadienis
Lithuanian recipes
Lithuanian cuisine features the products which are traditional for its climate: rye, barley, beets, potatoes, greens, berries, and mushrooms. Dairy products are also one of Lithuanian peculiarities. Lithuanian cuisine has enough much in common with Polish, Ukrainian and Russian cuisines (koldūnai, blynai), however it has its own distinctive features.
2011 m. spalio 5 d., trečiadienis
All best Italian dishes recipes
Italian cuisine is one of the most popular in the world. Italians for the most part follow a tradition of recipes that make lunch and dinner the most important meals of the day.
2011 m. spalio 4 d., antradienis
Create a fantastic dishes with Velveeta cheese.
Velveeta is a kind of a processed cheese products. Velveeta has a soft, creamy texture and a distinctive taste which is sometimes compared to the taste of Cheddar cheese, American cheese, or Cheez Whiz. In Germany Velveeta is sold under the name Velveta.
2011 m. spalio 3 d., pirmadienis
Healthy vegetable and side dish recipes
Fresh vegetables are highly important for healthy meal. Vegetable recipe section at Recipe4all includes vegetable main dishes, side dishes and appetizers.
2011 m. spalio 2 d., sekmadienis
Cannelloni are rectangular pasta sheets rolled with a filling.
Sometimes the pasta dough is replaced with a cooked crepe, commonly 3-4 inches in length and once rolled, 1 inch in diameter. After cooking the crepe, it is usually filled with a savory stuffing including ricotta cheese, spinach, or various kinds of meat. Then cannelloni are typically covered with a sauce.
pasta filling,
2011 m. spalio 1 d., šeštadienis
Pot roast recipes and beef steak recipes.
At Recipes4all I always can find beef dishes recipes include country fried steak recipes, chili, pot roasts and more. There is a collection of beef recipes for beef main dish and entree recipes.
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